
Hi There!

Welcome to my blogpost. I am passionate about the issues that I write about. I am aware that not everyone will agree with me. That, precisely is what this blog serves - to elicit public dialogue on issues and views that can help further the human project. We all can agree on one fact - that the human project is incomplete. 
Our actions, purposes and intents are to further this project, to create a better world where decisions are made on sound arguments; where evidences are informed by objective analysis while recognizing the inherent limitations in our means. Allow me to make a disclaimer that I would never claim to be an authority in any field. There is no one who can be an absolute authority in any field. The purpose of continued research and critical appraisal of existing evidence allows us to open new folds, climb to new heights and see farther than our horizons of today.
I welcome you to my blog and hope that we can subsist as partners, fostering growth and expansion in knowledge as our contribution to bettering the human project.


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