The US President, Donald Trump made some very uncharitable remarks about places that offload refugees to the USA. In Trump’s own words, these places, like Africa, Haiti and others, are "Shitholes". He wondered why people from Shithole places come to America in the very first place.
I like the innate nature of Donald Trump's blazing honesty, or call it ignorance and more so, racism. Yes, these places are indeed shitholes. However, this utterance, which was not denied by the Whitehouse spokespersons, reveals what Donald Trump is – narcissistic bigot.
Mr. Trump has never been politically correct. Not that political correctness is a savvy thing for politicians and public trust holders of these days. It is that the lack of it also reveals a lack of sophistication. Political correctness masks a lot of prejudices and xenophobia. It compels people to speak in the opposites – saying things contradictory to their first instincts.
Trump is a natural that way. He is really naturally bigoted and says things refined politicians would rather swallow their tongues for, even if they hold similar positions privately. Mr. Trump's no-holds-barred approach on politics has allowed some sensible Americans to reflect on their own values – racism. Trump even lacks depth as a racist - even with his prejudice against non-whites. Yes, prejudice, and maybe bigotry is the American value that Trump represents. Trump is definitely ignorant about the history of America’s violent capitalism that makes shitholes of other countries.
I have always had my misgivings for an American Presidential candidate promising to make America great again. America cannot be great without suppressing others for its greatness. Making America great again means making more of a shithole out of the peripheral economies. And, America has used its foreign policies to bully, exploit, and stages dictators in Africa and Latin America. Donald Trump, in his lack of sophistication, is unaware of these glaring historical hegemony of USA.
Trump is a typical product of Capitalism with all its contradictions. Liberal economic environment tends to mould rational humans into practical idiots. Such individuals suffer social isolation for their lust for materialism, and are insulated from the rest of the world outside their narrow spheres of money making. As a billionaire, Trump is all about money and that pomp that money brings - corporate success and wealth. Irrespective of how these corporations succeed, the capitalist in Trump projects a typically unconscionable persona whose respect for materialism supersedes realities of those who make people like him rich. These bunches are greedy, ignorant, insensitive and unattached to consequences of their exploitation. Little wonder then that Trump denies the facts of global warming!
Trump is the liberal version of kim Jong-Un. Someone smarter than a dotard needs to step up to coach him the ABCs of centuries’ long effects of America’s foreign policies and its effects on peripheral economies. Even a simple history of Haiti – France imbroglio could suffice.
The dominance and devastating imposition of the US currency – the dollar on those shithole economies, and the plethora of inequitable trade agreements that allows America to exploit and transform these places into “shitholes” conveniently eludes Trump. It is on purpose and by design.
Nonetheless, the critical role of Donald Trump’s America in staging dictators that ravage peripheral countries into a shithole so as to make America great again must be highlighted. As long as every African and Haitian Presidents tow the Whitehouse, or WB/IMF economic policies, they can suppress their people, violate human rights, and plunder these economies into a Shithole. America as a superpower is nothing but full of double standards and contradictions.
Incidentally, for his love of Norway, DT needs be reminded that Norwegians are too rich that they consider America a Shithole!
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